Autologous adipose tissue graft in the vulva in severe vulvar lichen sclerosus atrophicus: clinical case

Author: De Vita et al
Year: 2016


Introduction: Vulvar lichen sclerosus atrophicus is a fairly widespread degenerative disease that significantly affects patients’ quality of life. Symptoms are characterised by dyspareunia and vulvar atrophy, and are often associated with chronic pelvic pain, vulvodynia and vestibolodynia. From a pathogenic point of view, being a disease that predominately affects the skin layer, it is also classified as an atopic dermatitis dermatological disease, with a progressive thinning of skin thickness, loss of elasticity and appearance of abrasions and surface lesions. Its pathogenesis is unknown, but it is classified among the immune aetiology diseases; it appears to be more common in patients with viral infections, rheumatic diseases and endometriosis. Traditional treatments consist of local applications of cortisone-based creams and/or ointments on a cyclic 15-2-day basis, testosterone propionate at 2%, vitamin E and local oestrogens. Medical treatment is often not enough and exacerbations of the disease may occur.


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