Muscle Strain

Is muscle pain stopping you from getting out and about? Our minimally invasive regenerative alternatives offer pain relief and can help you get your life back on track.

Muscle strains, contusions and torn muscle fibres are common sports injuries, and while they can be painful, with the right treatment they can heal with no lasting issues.

What treatments does Jorja Healthcare Regenerative Treatments offer?

Our renowned medical team provides a range of treatments, from the traditional to the innovative:

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

This is an effective and well-researched procedure that’s a potential alternative to surgery. It takes advantage of the blood’s natural healing properties to reduce pain and improve joint function. It uses a specially concentrated dosage of platelets prepared from your own blood to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscle and bone. Patients usually see their symptoms improve in one to two weeks of having the injections. Read more clinical evidence supporting PRP here.

Steroid injections

Steroid injections are recommended if you’ve not had much success with the first-step approaches of painkillers, rest, stretching and physiotherapy.

What is a muscle strain, contusion and torn muscle fibre?

Muscle strain also known as a ‘pulled muscle’ occurs when the muscle is overstretched or torn. Muscle strains can occur through day-to-day activities such as walking, jogging or lifting something heavy. A muscle strain is a common sports injury and it tends to occur when you haven’t warmed up properly or through over-exertion.

A contusion or bruise as it’s sometimes referred to happens when blood vessels in and under the skin are damaged through a hard knock or direct hit. Contusions cause discolouration of the skin, swelling and pain and discomfort.

A torn muscle fibre is a type of muscle strain. In mild cases, only a few fibres are stretched or torn, and the muscle remains intact. In severe cases, all the muscle fibres are torn, and the muscle can’t function properly. This causes pain, swelling and sometimes discolouration of the skin.

What are the symptoms of muscle strain, contusion and torn muscle fibre?

You can usually feel when a muscle strain or a torn muscle fibre is happening. Symptoms you may experience include:

  • Sudden pain
  • Swelling, stiffness or soreness
  • Weakness in the muscle
  • Limited range of movement
  • Muscle spasms
  • Bruising or discolouration to the area (contusion)

Muscle strains and torn fibre muscles can range from mild, where the muscle feels slightly stiff but you’re still able to move it, to severe, which results in severe pain and limited mobility.

How is a muscle strain, contusion and torn muscle fibre diagnosed?

If you are experiencing pain or limited movement, a doctor will examine you applying pressure to different areas to see where it hurts. In some cases, the doctor may refer you to have an:

  • X-ray – to see if there any bone problems which could be causing the pain
  • MRI – using a magnetic field and radio waves a detailed image of the affected is created which can reveal subtle changes
  • CT scans – which uses radiation to create detailed images of the body

What are the non-surgical options for muscle strain, contusion and torn muscle fibre?

Initial treatment may include medications such as analgesics which help reduce the pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDS – which reduce the pain and inflammation and steroid injections which reduce inflammation and provide short-term relief.

Your doctor may recommend applying ice packs to the area for a few days and then switching to heat packs for another couple of days. If you do this, it’s important to place a cloth between the ice and your skin to prevent you getting an ice-burn.

Wrapping an elastic bandage around the knee and elevating it can also help reduce pain and swelling.

Resting the muscle for a couple of days can help improve pain and mobility. It’s important not to rest the muscle for too long as this can weaken the muscle and delaying the healing process.

Depending on the severity of the injury, physiotherapy may as be recommended.

Our expert team specialises in treating muscle strains, contusions and torn muscle fibres using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy.

Why have a consultation at Jorja Healthcare Regenerative Treatments?

Our experienced consultants will undertake a thorough examination exploring non-surgical and surgical treatments. They’ll also discuss your suitability for our state-of-the-art biological therapies.

Who will my consultation be with?

Your consultation will be with one of our specialists and will last approximately 30 minutes. On the day, or the day before you will be asked to attend for an MRI scan.

As well as undertaking an examination, our specialists will take details of your medical history and discuss your symptoms. They will also detail all your treatment options and cover their potential benefits and risks.

Our expert team comprises of highly experienced surgeons, sports medicine doctors and physiotherapists who are committed to delivering a high level of care and the correct treatment option so you can quickly get back to moving around.

The first step is to book a consultation for a thorough assessment.  Click here to make an appointment.

What is the autologous biological approach and when should it be considered?

Autologous translates as ‘from the same person.’ In brief, it involves using your own cells to encourage healing. The major benefits are that there is no chance of rejection, infection or contamination as you are using cells from your own body rather than a donor.

We offer a range of therapies based on this principle which can be considered if traditional treatments including surgery aren’t relieving your pain.

Clinical evidence

Biological treatments are pioneering procedures and we’re continuously monitoring and recording its effectiveness. Patients undertaking these treatments are asked to complete pre-operative and post-operative questionnaires.

The information obtained from these questionnaires allows us to monitor your progress and it also contributes to our evidence-based database and other global studies on biological treatments. All information gathered is anonymised.





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