We are proud to announce our exclusive distribution of Adipose Derived Lipogems Kits in the United Kingdom. 

Lipogems innovative device processes adipose tissue for applications in orthopedics, aesthetics, and veterinary specialties. With FDA and CE mark approval, it has successfully been used in over 50,000 procedures worldwide. 

As sole distributors in the UK, we also provide training for orthopaedic purposes, contact us to find out more.  

The Power of Fat (4)

How can Lipogems benefit your clinic?


Lipogems orthopaedics

Adipose Derived Lipogems are making significant strides in orthopedic treatments. They are used for joint and tissue repair in conditions like osteoarthritis, tendinopathies, and orthopedic injuries. The processed adipose tissue obtained through Lipogems contains regenerative cells and growth factors, which can potentially help in reducing inflammation, promoting tissue healing, and enhancing overall joint health.


Lipogems aesthetics

In the field of aesthetics, Lipogems are utilised for natural soft tissue augmentation and rejuvenation. They offer a minimally invasive alternative for procedures like facial rejuvenation, hand rejuvenation, and other cosmetic enhancements. The use of a patient’s own fat helps in reducing the risk of rejection or adverse reactions commonly associated with synthetic fillers.


Lipogems veterinary

The benefits of Adipose Derived Lipogems extend to the realm of veterinary medicine. They are employed in the treatment of various conditions in animals, including musculoskeletal injuries, joint problems, and soft tissue damage. By using Lipogems, veterinarians can aid in the healing and recovery process of beloved pets and working animals.

Adipose Derived Lipogems Kits - The Power Of Fat

Adipose Derived Lipogem Kits are advanced medical devices designed to process adipose (fat) tissue, concentrating its regenerative properties for various applications. This cutting-edge technology offers a unique method of obtaining and preparing adipose tissue in a minimally invasive manner. By using the patient’s own fat, Lipogems harness the body’s natural healing potential, delivering a safe and efficient solution for numerous medical needs.

Lipogems icon 1

Adipose tissue contains a high concentration of  important reparative cells that may help support the healing process.

Lipogems icon 2

Adipose tissue is a structural tissue and provides cushion and support to help the healing process. Microfragmented adipose tissue from the Lipogems device may be used for patients who are undergoing orthopaedic or arthroscopic surgery.


Benefits of Referring Your Patients for Treatment

Working with world renowned specialists and one of the first Lipogems providers in the UK, we are confident in delivering positive outcomes to all patients. Learning from the inventor of Lipogems Dr Carlo Tremolada, our clinicians have the most advanced knowledge and skill in providing Lipogems treatment.

Referring your patients for treatment will give you a piece of mind knowing the care delivered is at its highest standard and patients returns under your care following the treatment.

Lipogems Clinical Evidence

With a support of over 125+ evidence based research papers released worldwide Lipogems has the support of well respected scientists and researchers. More than 98% of this research has been conducted by independent consultants, showing growing belief and support to this product. You can read all related clinical research here and here.

Lipogems brochure

The Lipogems Process

1. Harvesting

In a minimally invasive and immediate procedure, the physician makes a tiny puncture through the skin and collects a small amount of fat from either the midsection or the “love handles”.

Lipogems harvest
Lipogems process

2. Processing

The collected fat will be processed in the unique Lipogems device using only sterile saline solution to wash away any impurities. During this process, the fat is washed, rinsed and resized into smaller clusters while keeping the natural beneficial properties of the fat.

3. Injecting

Since the Lipogems process micro-fragments of fat, the size of Lipogems tissue is ideal to facilitate healing in the treatment site. The physician will then use a small needle to inject the Lipogems tissue in to the treatment site.

Lipogems inject

Do you offer Lipogems training?


Frequently asked questions

A health check is a series of tests and examinations that give you an overview of your current health and how your body is functioning. You might want a health check due to a specific health concern or to improve your overall condition. Our health checks are performed by our trained staff and advisors here at Living Room Health.

We provide an extensive range of services at affordable rates. Our packages range from £59 – £295. Each package has a range of tests and examinations in order to determine your overall health. View our range of packages here.

A health check will be able to determine if you have any health problems that you might currently be unaware of. It is a great tool to gain insight into how well your body is functioning and how to best optimise your health.

A health check is ideal for patients that want a general health check-up. If you have a specific concern or diagnosis, it is recommended to seek advice from your GP. Our health checks are suitable for adults of all ages.

A health check is one of the best ways to invest in your health. Our health checks can quickly and accurately diagnose health conditions that you may currently be unaware of that could require medical attention.

For those worried about their current health, our health checks can provide peace of mind that their body is working as it should be.

The overall goal of our health checks is to allow you to understand your own personal health, risk factors and how to help you mitigate them.

A health check cannot reduce or eliminate your risk of illness/disease, but we can help to identify early signs of disease or other health issues, enabling early intervention and potentially improving the quality of life.

If your results show an abnormal or undesirable result, we will discuss this with you and guide you through the various options. Not all abnormalities detected in your results will need to be treated. Our team of expert clinicians will evaluate your results and discuss these with you throughout the process.

The Process

We have endeavoured to make the process as straight forward and efficient as possible. 



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