Bakers Cysts

If your knee pain is restricting your movement, then minimally invasive regenerative treatments could help you live life the way you want to.

Baker’s cyst or popliteal cyst is a fluid-filled cyst that forms behind the knee. The cyst can cause swelling and a tight feeling at the back of the knee.

Unfortunately, women are more prone to develop it than men. It commonly occurs in people over 40 but younger people including children can also suffer from it.

What treatments does Jorja Healthcare Regenerative Treatments offer?

Our renowned medical team provides a range of treatments, from the traditional to the innovative:

This day case treatment is exclusively offered to our patients. It uses pioneering technology using your body’s own adipose (fat) cells to treat pain and inflammation with MFAT Injections. Injections using MFAT Injections are minimally invasive and are carried out under ultrasound guidance. Altogether the procedure takes about an hour to perform with a minimal recovery time. As well as being a potential alternative to surgery, MFAT Injections can also aid post-surgery recovery.

Read Angela’s story who had this treatment in her knees. She is now pain free and her life has changed completely.

BMAC Injections harness the natural healing abilities of your own mesenchymal stem cells, found in the bone marrow, to regenerate and reconstruct the musculoskeletal system by replacing cells and tissues damaged by degenerative diseases or trauma. BMAC Injections treat pain and inflammation by accelerating healing through the assistance of biological growth factors. This minimally invasive, day-case procedure is done under x-ray guidance and has a minimal recovery time. Our innovative BMAC Injections offer an alternative treatment plan to traditional invasive surgery.

Read more here.

This is an effective and well-researched procedure that’s a potential alternative to surgery. It takes advantage of the blood’s natural healing properties to reduce pain and improve joint function. It uses a specially concentrated dosage of platelets prepared from your own blood to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscle and bone. Treatment is administered via an injection and depending on the injury two to six injections may be required, performed at weekly intervals. Patients usually see their symptoms improve within four to six weeks of having the injections. PRP is a safe treatment option which, because your own blood is used, carries no risk of allergic reaction. Read more clinical evidence supporting PRP here

Read Eddie’s Story. The British former professional strongman and World’s Strongest Man 2017 winner Eddie Hall recently received PRP Therapy.

What causes Baker's cysts?

A Baker’s cyst can be caused by an overproduction of synovial fluid. This is a lubricating fluid which reduces friction in the moving part of the knee and helps the leg move freely. When too much fluid is produced, it builds up into a cyst at the back of the knee. 

Baker’s cyst can also be caused by:

  • Osteoarthritis – wear and tear of the joints
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – where the immune system attacks the joints
  • Gout – a form of arthritis, it is caused by a build-up of uric acid in the blood

What are the symptoms of Baker's cysts?

Baker’s cysts causes pain in the knee and calf, a build-up of fluid around the knee and pain or discomfort in the knee. In some cases, the knee may lock up or a clicking feeling is felt. 

In extreme cases, the cyst can rupture and cause fluid to leak into the calf. This may be accompanied by sharp pain and redness in the calf. 

How are Baker's cysts diagnosed?

If you notice a swelling or a tight feeling at the back of the knee, a doctor will examine the knee and ask about your symptoms to see what is causing it. In some cases, to rule out other causes you may need to have a: 

  • MRI – using a magnetic field and radio waves a detailed image of the knee is created
  • Ultrasound – sound waves are used to create an image of your knee

What are the non-surgical options for Baker's cysts?

Treatment for Baker’s cysts aims to relieve symptoms and improve the function of the knee. 

Initial treatment may include medications such as analgesics which help reduce the pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDS – which reduce the pain and inflammation and steroid injections which reduce inflammation and provide short-term relief.

Applying ice to the area can help relieve the discomfort and swelling. If you do this, it’s important to place a cloth between the ice and your skin to prevent you getting an ice-burn.

You may also be shown how to perform a range of strengthening exercises for the muscles around the knee which are designed to preserve the function of the knee.

Our expert team specialises in treating knee pain using advanced non-surgical techniques including stromal cell therapy,  Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) and Micro-Fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT).


What are the surgical options for Baker's cysts?

Surgery is not commonly recommended as a treatment of baker’s cyst, but it may be needed to drain the cyst or to repair any damage around the knee joint. 

Why have a consultation at Jorja Healthcare Regenerative Treatments?

Our innovative range of treatments goes beyond what’s available on the NHS. As well as providing a full opinion on your condition that includes all the traditional non-surgical and surgical options, our experienced consultants will also assess your suitability for our alternative biological therapies, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) and Micro-Fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT).

Who will my consultation be with?

Your consultation will be with one of our knee specialists and will last approximately 30 minutes.

During the consultation, our consultants will:

  • discuss your medical history to find out more about your symptoms
  • examine the joint and identify the source of the pain and any mobility issues
  • arrange for a diagnostic investigation, usually an MRI scan
  • discuss all the treatment options with you, along with their potential benefits and any risks.

Our expert team comprises of highly experienced surgeons, sports medicine doctors and physiotherapists who are committed to delivering a high level of care and the correct treatment option so you can quickly get back to moving around. Whether you need conventional treatment or if you are a candidate for our regenerative treatments, you can be sure that you will get the best advice.

What is the autologus biological approach and when should it be considered?

Autologous translates as ‘from the same person.’ In brief, it involves using your own cells to encourage healing. The major benefits are that there is less chance of rejection, infection or contamination as you are using cells from your own body rather than a donor. 

We offer a range therapies based on this principle which can be considered if traditional treatments including surgery aren’t relieving your pain. 

Clinical evidence

Biological treatments are pioneering procedures and we’re continuously monitoring and recording its effectiveness. Patients undertaking these treatments are asked to complete pre-operative and post-operative questionnaires. 

The information obtained from these questionnaires allows us to monitor your progress and it also contributes to our evidence-based database and other global studies on biological treatments. All information gathered is anonymised. 

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