Have you got knee pain?

Try the Next Knee predictive engine to see if you will respond to our regenerative treatments. In partnership with the Next Knee AI.

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"AI driven precision healthcare. The advanced netKNEE AI engine uses the data gathered at the Regenerative clinic over the past 3 years to provide an accurate prediction of likelihood of improvement following the injection of Lipogems into your knee.

On average 80% have an improvement in their symptoms but there are individuals that may have either a great deal of improvement or not have any improvement at all. Our AI technology can give you a Personalised Prediction based on a few questions.”

    Please fill out the following form so we can give you our prediction.

    Please enter your weight in kilograms. If you need help converting these measurements from imperial to metric please use the link

    Please enter your height in centimetres. If you need help converting these measurements from imperial to metric please use the link

    Which Knee is Affected? *

    Level of Pain in left knee

    Level of Pain in right knee

    Please answer the following 12 multiple choice questions.

    1. How would you describe the pain you usually have in your knee?[radio_custom radio-que1 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| None" "2| Very mild" "3| Mild" "4| Moderate" "5| Severe"]

    2. Have you had any trouble washing and drying yourself (all over) because of your knee?[radio_custom radio-que2 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| No trouble at all" "2| Very little trouble" "3| Moderate trouble" "4| Extreme difficulty" "5| Impossible to do"]

    3. Have you had any trouble getting in and out of the car or using public transport because of your knee? (With or without a stick)[radio_custom radio-que3 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| No trouble at all" "2| Very little trouble" "3| Moderate trouble" "4| Extreme difficulty" "5| Impossible to do"]

    4. For how long are you able to walk before the pain in your knee becomes s eve re? (With or without a stick)[radio_custom radio-que4 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| No pain > 60 min" "2| 16 - 60 minutes" "3| 5 - 15 minutes" "4| Around the house only" "5| Not at all - severe on walking"]

    5. After a meal (sat at a table), how painful has it been for you to stand up from a chair because of your knee?[radio_custom radio-que5 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Not at all painful" "2| Slightly painnful" "3| Moderately pain" "4| Very painful" "5| Unbearable"]

    6. Have you been limping when walking, because of your knee?[radio_custom radio-que6 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Rarely / never" "2| Sometimes or just at first" "3| Often, not just at first" "4| Most of the time" "5| All of the time"]

    7. Could you kneel down and get up again afterwards?[radio_custom radio-que7 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Yes, easily" "2| With little difficulty" "3| With moderate difficulty" "4| With extreme difficulty" "5| No, impossible"]

    8. Are you troubled by pain in your knee at night in bed?[radio_custom radio-que8 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Not at all" "2| Only one or two nights" "3| Some nights" "4| Most nights" "5| Every night"]

    9. How much has pain from your knee interfered with your usual work? (including housework)[radio_custom radio-que9 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Not al all" "2| A little bit" "3| Moderately" "4| Greatly" "5| Totally"]

    10. Have you felt that your knee might suddenly give away or let you down?[radio_custom radio-que10 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Rarely / never" "2| Sometimes or just at first" "3| Often, not just at first" "4| Most of the time" "5| All of the time"]

    11. Could you do household shopping on your own?[radio_custom radio-que11 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Yes, easily" "2| With little difficulty" "3| With moderate difficulty" "4| With extreme difficulty" "5| No, impossible"]

    12. Could you walk down a flight of stairs?[radio_custom radio-que12 class:form-control class:radio-blk use_label_element "1| Yes, easily" "2| With little difficulty" "3| With moderate difficulty" "4| With extreme difficulty" "5| No, impossible"]

    The Oxford Knee Score is : [calculated calculated class:valueCalculated "60 - (radio-que1 + radio-que2 + radio-que3 + radio-que4 + radio-que5 + radio-que6 + radio-que7 + radio-que8 + radio-que9 + radio-que10 + radio-que11 + radio-que12)"]

    Have you been diagnosed with knee arthritis? *

    Has your doctor told you how bad it is? * (ie have you been told you need a knee replacement)


    By using this Application you agree to be bound by the content of this disclaimer. The information contained in this Application is provided in good faith and no warranty, representation, statement or undertaking is given regarding any information connected with this Application and any warranty, representation, statement or undertaking whatsoever that may be expressed or implied by statute, custom or otherwise is hereby expressly excluded. The use of this Application and any information on this Application (or of any software at any other site) is entirely at the risk of the user. Nothing in this disclaimer shall operate to exclude or limit next AI Ltd, its parent company and affiliated companies’ liability for death or personal injury caused by their negligence or any other liability damage or loss which cannot be excluded or limited under the laws of England and Wales. Under no other circumstances shall next AI Ltd, its parent company and affiliated companies be liable for any costs, losses, expenses or damages (whether direct or indirect, consequential, special, economic or financial including any loss of profits) whatsoever that may be incurred through the use of any information contained in this Application.

    Nothing contained in this Application shall be deemed to be either; advice of a financial nature to act or not to act in any way whatsoever. This Application may contain inaccurate information. next AI Ltd is under no responsibility to update or correct any such information or to even maintain this Application. next AI Ltd reserves its right to change any information or any part of this Application without notice. The laws of England and Wales govern these conditions of use and you agree that the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute.

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