Chronic prosthesis-related residual limb ulcer treated with autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue

This case history describes a 56 years old male patient with previous below knee amputation, who suffered a chronic (over three years) non-healing residual limb ulcer following total knee replacement. The patient was treated with autologous, liposuction-derived micro-fragmented adipose tissue (MFAT) graft; two-ml each at four sites sub-cutaneously in order to fill the defect. At four weeks follow up a significant improvement was noticed including reduced pain and healing and beyond this, he was able to return to his normal activities with full use of the leg prosthesis. This case study suggests a potential utilization of MFAT grafting in repair and regeneration of complex, non-healing pressure ulcers and could have additional therapeutic value in treatment of other complex and diabetic wounds.​


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